Do we as believers in Jesus Christ really believe that we can enjoy peace and fulfillment, satisfaction and well-being in this life? Is it possible considering the environment in which we live?
We can say absolutely yes, because God is Almighty and He can do anything.
But if we really believe that, and we are not experiencing it, there is a problem somewhere. Then, we have a choice to make.
Do we keep going as if nothing is wrong, or will we wake up and do something about it?
Let’s say that we decide to go for it and pursue God to find his best for our lives. How much does God’s will mean to us? What I mean is that every worthwhile thing has a cost. How much are we willing to give up?
How about everything? But to make it more specific, are we willing to fight the status quo through to a guaranteed victory no matter what it takes? I hope and pray that today, right now, each of us reading this is willing, for victory is guaranteed, no question about it.
Victory is just as sure as God resurrecting Jesus from the dead. Conquering is not based on our strength or ourselves but on the same power God used to defeat death. His power enables us to experience His best in our lives.
What are we losing in this exchange? Absolutely nothing in my estimation. What about to you? We are giving up something we cannot keep for something we cannot lose, something that will never satisfy for something that will never stop satisfying.
But again, how will we make it happen? How will we get there from where we are today? The answer may be much simpler than we think.
Letting Go
The life God desires for each of us, I would suggest, happens by allowing Him to lead us in whatever transition process He deems necessary to get us up and moving in the center of His will, so we can be confident we are doing what God has put us on earth to do, fulfilling the role God has specifically purposed for us in His last days plan.
What will bring that about in our lives is not astrophysics but simple obedience. The title above was originally going to be Producing Infinite Returns For the Kingdom of God because that is what this website, and I hope every post, is about, but the two titles Peace and Fulfillment and Infinite Returns really mean the same thing. They share the same unshakeable foundation of obedience to the voice of God.
Here is what I mean.
Simple Obedience
Infinite returns in real estate is having none of your own money at play in an investment but still reaping increasing returns (or value) from it, returns that potentially go on forever.
Spiritually speaking, if Adam and Eve had only trusted completely in God’s word to them, they would have filled the earth with His reign, or with infinite returns so to speak. Through Christ, however, we have been given back the trusting relationship Adam forfeited. Our victory is based on the faithfulness of Jesus to the heavenly Father’s will.
Now, because of Christ, God’s will of filling the whole earth with His glory and humanity reigning with Him has been put back track. And we can be on that same track moving with Him if we decide to be.
Why would we, or anybody for that matter, want to settle for anything less than God’s best, when we know that God’s best is going to reap the very best results and rewards in earth and heaven?
We only need to be able to hear what Jesus tells us to do and trust Him enough to do it. We really have no ability to produce anything of value on our own apart from God.
Isn’t that true?
All good things come from Him. But God has the power to take something simple we do for Him and bring about blessings that contribute to bringing all creation to the goal of the Lordship of Messiah.
In short, many of us may be at crossroads, but what a great place to be.
You and I, wherever we are in our journeys, are in the perfect place to advance from where we are right now, to begin again if we have to, or to resume where we left off before something, whatever it was, got us off track.
Standing before us now is an open door to experience the infinite blessings of God and witness them spread throughout all creation, where Christ will subject every power and authority to His reign.
As we determine that nothing will stop us from doing the will of God, we can be led by His Son. Through our obedience, God will use us for His highest purpose in the world, and we will accomplish what we were born to do.
Wouldn’t it be great for each of us to hear from God on that final day the words, well done, good and faithful servant, welcome into the joy of your master? Isn’t any sacrifice God calls us to make worth hearing those words from our heavenly Father on that day?