Already having been enlisted in the greatest militia of the most powerful Kingdom that will ever be, we receive our orders, what God expects of us, directly from Jesus Christ, the Captain of the Lord's armies. Conduct yourself as a good soldier of Jesus Christ, Paul said to Timothy. That means not getting involved in civilian affairs, but there was more to it than that. Paul said that joining with others in suffering is also what good soldiers do.
The weapons of our warfare are not carnal like those in the world, but they are powerful. At the command of the Angel of the Lord, Gideon destroyed the stronghold of Baal, the god of the Midianites as the word of God destroys strongholds of thought and belief systems. At the Old Testament historic and geographic location of Baal’s stronghold, Christ said, on this rock I will build my church. In doing so, Jesus announced before all heaven and earth the unequivocal victory of His Kingdom over all spiritual strongholds of all demonic occult powers in the earth.
Jesus said the gates of hell would not prevail against Christ’s advancing reign. Soon after Jesus spoke those words, He led Peter, James, and John to the top of Mt. Hermon, where Christ's appearance became radiant, Elijah and Moses spoke to Jesus, a cloud enveloped them all, and God spoke: "This is my Son, whom I love, with whom I am well pleased. Listen to him!"
The geographical area where all this happened was none other than where Israel, under the leadership of Moses, defeated Og, the king of Bashan, one of the last of the Rephaim who survived the flood of Noah’s day. Mt. Hermon is also said to be the place where the sons of God (Gen. 6) came to earth and rebelled against God. The image of a divine counsel meeting accompanying the transfiguration of Christ directly contrasts to a counsel of the ungodly. It also demonstrated God coming to tabernacle among His people in transformational power in the lives of those who choose to listen to Christ. Those on the mount of transformation did not need Peter to build physical tabernacles as he desired, for the cloud of God’s glory tabernacled over them.
Because of Christ’s sinless life, His death on the cross, and His resurrection from the dead, the enemy has lost his stronghold, his physical dominion upon the earth. Christ has defeated him and all the gods of the nations that led Israel into idolatry. They will never stand in our way. All who put their faith in Jesus Christ can rest in the fact that although in the world they may have tribulation, Christ has overcome the world. Whoever by faith enters into the bloodline of Christ is made pure, whole, and victorious.
Standing up for what is right may not be comfortable at times, yet obeying the Lord is a strategic military move that puts all who follow Christ into the camp of absolute victory. Obedience will cost us our lives in some way, shape, or form, but we are in good company with Christ, who gave His life for us, for it is in losing our life in Him that we truly find it.
As the Angel of the Lord observed, spoke, and revealed Himself to Gideon while he was beating wheat in the wine press to hide it from foraging Midianites, Jesus Christ comes to us and invites us to Himself to separate us for His purpose and lead us from victory to victory.
Gideon, in obedience to God’s word threw down the altar of Baal. The Angel of Yahweh said to Gideon, "and thou hast built an altar to Jehovah thy God on the top of this stronghold, by the arrangement, and hast taken the second bullock, and caused to ascend a burnt-offering with the wood of the shrine which thou cuttest down.’” The kingdom of God destroys all other kingdoms and builds upon the rubble of the gods which once oppressed God’s people.
Joash, Gideon’s father, chose to stand with his son and asked those who came to kill Gideon (for destroying the altar of Baal) if Baal could not fight his own battles. The willingness of Joash to suffer with his son helped him go on to deliver Israel. God then clothed Gideon with His Spirit and Gideon sounded the trumpet. Victory is the sound of a trumpet.
God through Gideon displaced the gods of the nations. Christ, by His death on the cross, publicly humiliated and forever defeated every one of them, every throne, principality, and power of darkness, and Christ calls us to walk in that completed work.
When Israel turned from God they could not obtain victory, but when they cried out to Him, He raised up a leader and defeated their oppressors. Transformation for victory begins in the heart.
Paul, one of the New Testament writers, demonstrated the heart needed for victory. He understood the necessity of suffering for the benefit of others. He said he suffered so that the chosen ones would experience deliverance. Then he stated in 2 Timothy 2:12, "if we do endure together -- we shall also reign together; if we deny [him], he also shall deny us”.
Jesus Himself learned obedience by the things He suffered, so by His death on the cross we could all be brought to the goal of fulfilling the purpose God has for us, to the call of Christ heavenward. Believers today are in the unique position of uniting the hearts of the fathers to the hearts of the children and the hearts of the children to the hearts of the fathers that together we should all be brought to the goal together.
Men and women rejecting the norms God has established in His word is not new. From the beginning, God defined parameters for His creation, delineating for fish the realm of the sea; birds, the air. He made the heavens and the earth, but humanity and divine beings chose to violate God’s established borders. In Genesis 3, Adam and Eve disobeyed the Lord and ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They crossed the boundary God in His wisdom had established, so they could be like God knowing both good and evil instead of forever enjoying life on earth lived in God’s will.
In contrast to humanity wanting to be like God, the beings in Genesis 6 left their place in the heavens and came down to earth. They corrupted human flesh through the daughters of men. In the case of Genesis 3 and 6, disobedience transgressed the lines establish by God, and through it, darkness spread throughout the earth and brought God’s judgment upon the world and its inhabitants, except for those who walked with God and would find favor with Him.
The Old Testament picture then is of human need to be thoroughly cleansed in flesh and spirit to live fully in the light of God’s will and in full affirmation of God’s word for the establishment of a new heavens and new earth where only righteousness dwells. Through the will of Christ and His blood, the blood of a pure and holy sacrifice, all can now be delivered from defilement brought on by sin and live fully in the will and inheritance of Christ.
David in Psalm 16:5-6 describes what the deliverance from Sheol entails: "Adonai, my assigned portion, my cup: you safeguard my share. Pleasant places were measured out for me; I am content with my heritage."
The Old Testament provided the background for the New Testament understanding of victory and inheritance. In Israel, the priest’s share was not land but rather Yahweh Himself. This is how King David could say Adonai was his portion and cup. This royal perspective on serving God applies also to believers today whom God has made a kingdom of priests.
God gave a heritage or land portion to each of the tribes of Israel in Canaan. That same inheritance spiritually extends to every believer in Christ. God used Israel to defeat their enemies and cleanse the land from the corrupting influence of foreign gods. Christ also always leads us in triumph.
God told His people that if they obeyed He would bless them in every way and He would drive out their enemies, but they had to be pure. Though God's blessing enlarges the territory of the obedient, the Lord paradoxically told the Jewish tribes not to move the boundaries of their neighbors because God had determined each land area.
Even though today we can be blessed with land and material things, the portion allowed to each believer in Christ is primarily our holy relationship with God and judgment declared on our behalf. Out of our obedience through Christ to God we advance against the forces of darkness and expand the sweet savor of the knowledge of Christ without leaving the realm of Yahweh's blessing upon our lives.
With all that is going on in the world today to blur the lines between male and female, light and darkness, good and evil, right and wrong, believers in Messiah as good soldiers of Jesus Christ must not be entangled in civilian affairs. As enlisted men and women on the frontline with God’s army, we follow our commander and respond to His voice alone. As we obey our Savior the Messiah, His Kingdom prevails over all the earth and against every opposition.