Every day in classrooms throughout the United States, students recite the words “one nation under God” as part of the pledge of allegiance, but the truth is this: a nation under God is a holy people, which means the Lord has set them “apart from the other peoples” to be and become His (see Leviticus 20:26).
In some way, the people of God are different from all the nations of the world. This is absolutely clear. King David saw them worthy of honor, and he said all God’s pleasure is in them (Psalm 16:3). David understood that his and our allotment was unique, unlike the allocation of the seventy nations listed in the Table of Nations of Genesis 10.
To Pharaoh of Egypt, God called Israel His firstborn son, and He has given the power to become sons of God to Israel's seed, those who put their faith in Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah, the one people who are distinct from all other nations. Called the holy people, the “ones protected by the Lord" (NET version), or the redeemed of the Lord, these are also the sought after and the city not abandoned.
All the nations and their rulers who lead the rebellious against God come under His wrath but not the true sons of Jacob who serve God through Christ and are called by His name. This remnant, received as sons (Hebrews 12), walks faithfully with God to advance the reign of the true and everlasting King and to bring the elders to the goal.
As a matter of fact, Christ’s obedience to die on the cross and His resurrection from the dead opened the way to raise us out from under the rule of the gods of the air, so we can hear God’s voice and walk with Him as Enoch did. Jesus defeated the powers of darkness on our behalf, triumphing over them through the cross.
The Angel of Yahweh leads His own in victory as He led Israel out of Egypt, and as He led Joshua to defeat Jericho. The day will come when people will no longer refer to the Lord who led His people out of Egypt but rather the Lord who led His people out of exile from the nations.
As Daniel 7:27 states, “Then the kingdom, the rulership and greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the holy people of the Most High. Their kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will serve and obey them." Believers have no obligation to any spiritual rule except the rule of Christ who is exalted above all authority and power. Principalities no longer have any authority over us because we are raised with Christ far above all forces of wickedness.
The time of the rulers of this world is coming to an end. Christ is taking His place as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. His alone is the everlasting Kingdom and to His reign, there is no end, only new beginnings.
In Revelation, the apostle John saw people from every tongue, every tribe, and every nation along with the angels, creatures, and elders in heaven surrounding the victorious throne of God and of the Lamb.
The day is coming when all people called by the name of Jesus and who call upon His name will stand firmly as one nation in honor of the one true and everlasting God.
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