People can only take so much. Like pressure buildup in the earth, something has to give. In geological terms, the result is an earthquake.
When it comes to the message of the reign of God through Christ alone which confronts and convicts the world for its sin and corruption, at least one of two things must ultimately happen: people will either accept or reject Christ's reign and the message of endurance in their lives.
An angel roused Zechariah as if from sleep so the prophet could see that the two olive trees and the two lampstands he saw was God's message to Zerubbabel that he would build the second temple of Israel not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord. The Lord in heaven would build His temple by leveling the mountains on earth. Nothing, no human philosophy or plan of an enemy, would stand in the way of God’s will.
Jesus cleansing the temple of Jerusalem from the stain of corrupt business practices illustrates the same power of God to move mountains by His word to grow us into His holy temple as His living stones. Telling this mountain, the corrupted earthly temple, be moved into the sea, is the preparation, the baptism if you will, to arise to stand with Christ on the Mount of Olives clothed with His heavenly temple not made by human hands, in the New Jerusalem that descends from heaven.
Paul explains what happens when people reject the witness of heaven that declares God’s invisible power and divine attributes. They become captive to what they desire, which also enslaves others. The witness of earth is either a curse, as on land producing thorns and thistles for people rejecting Christ as King, or blessing, for example, through abundant harvests or a strong national economy, for a people who love the truth. The earth witnesses against those who reject their Creator and worship the creation; they become blind to what they should be able to see and deaf to God’s voice speaking to them in the earth.
In Deuteronomy 30 God calls upon heaven and earth as a witness to God setting life and death, blessing and curse, before His people. God’s word is clear in Deuteronomy 4 that heaven and earth were witnesses against the people of God that if they are in the land and become corrupt and make an image of anything, or do any evil thing to enrage the Lord, then they will be utterly destroyed from the land and scattered. Then in the latter end of days when the people of God seek Him with all their heart and turn back to Him and hearken to His voice, He will not fail them.
Moses said in verse 36 of Deuteronomy 30, “From the heavens He hath caused thee to hear His voice, to instruct thee, and on earth He hath showed thee His great fire, and His words thou hast heard out of the midst of the fire.” God can raise up as His new creation those who turn to Him with ears to hear and eyes to see, to empower them to serve Him in new life.
The creature that comes out of the abyss mentioned in Revelation 11 overcomes the two witnesses. Each of the three sections of the chapter inform the others, so that the witnesses that shine as lampstands for the Lord in the temple appear to be trampled and overcome as their Lord Jesus appeared also to be defeated before God raised Him up and sealed the fate of all principalities and powers.
The smoke coming out of the abyss darkens the sky. This darkened air blocks out the light of the sun which along with all the starry hosts of heaven give witness to God’s glory and power as jewels sparkle in a kingly crown. The locusts come out of the smoke and eat the green grass on the earth. Scripture specifically says, however, that the ones harmed are only those who do not have the mark of Christ upon their foreheads. God protects those serving Christ. We, who are overcoming, serve God as priests in His temple and He tabernacles over us. We shall not hunger or thirst.
The death of the two witnesses is closely connected to rejecting or trampling the message that declares, align your heart, return to God in preparation for the King’s arrival. This message is both declared in the heavens and affirmed upon the earth. Rejection of it leads to nations celebrating because they are no longer tormented by the truth (Rev. 11). This reminds me of a Hollywood awards show that flaunted the cultural acceptance of lesbians, homosexuals, bi-sexuals, and transgender people on national and international television. Without any regard for the one true and Almighty God who shall come again in the clouds of heaven to judge those who are destroying the earth and to deliver His own, an accompanying parade and song celebrated the glorious differences that characterize all people. To God, all such ungodliness and uncleanness is an abomination, and God will judge the nations who reject Him.
Accepting the message of Christ’s victory over all other gods and glorifying Him who is exalted above the ark of the covenant in heaven at the right hand of God brings life, peace, and protection from the Lord of Heavens Armies. Rejecting the call to life puts people in the crosshairs of God’s judgment coming upon the nations.
The good news is that Christ Himself lights our way in the New Jerusalem so the light of the sun is no longer necessary. The promise to Joshua (Zech 3) standing before the Angel of the Lord, that if he obeyed Christ’s charge he would be able to walk among angels, prefigures Revelation 7, where those standing before the Lord are those who are coming out of the great tribulation through achieving victory.
As lampstands and olive trees, God’s anointed in some way stand in the Holy of Holies of heaven before the Lord of all the earth. We may be dead to the world and the world to us, but walking now in the light of God’s word prepares us to walk with Christ in heavenly glory. Heaven and earth will pass away, but God’s word will never pass away.
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